Explanation of Plasma on the Tesla Coil

Where does Plasma appear on the Tesla Coil?

Tesla coil circuit diagram:

Tesla coil circuit diagram

"Electricity" or Plasma discharge: 

"Electricity" or Plasma discharge

According to many documents: Plasma appears in two places on the Tesla Coil, which is at the spark gap and at the top of the secondary coil.

There are many versions for the Tesla Coil, basically the spark gap can be replaced by a transistor. There are different structures on the secondary winding, and there are many different structures on the top of the secondary winding.

A common shape: At the top of the secondary coil can be a toroidal metal, hollow core. Plasma discharge will occur at this torus.

But what exactly is being released? Is it "Electricity" or plasma?

What is the plasma on the secondary coil actually?

There are two types of Plasma: Hot and Cold

When the voltage of capacitor C1 is fully charged in extremely small time (because it has increased the voltage supplied to it), this voltage reaches the breakdown voltage, the circuit includes C1, L1, the spark gap is a circuit. sealed electricity.

At that time, there was a hot Plasma flow through the spark gap. This hot form of Plasma is disconnected when the voltage is discharged through the spark gap. Because the voltage will be lower than the breakdown voltage in extremely short time.

As soon as the Plasma in the spark gap was cut off, the current on the primary coil L1 collapsed abruptly, which caused the magnetic field of the coil to collapse at the speed of light (basic physics). This means a magnet travels as fast as the speed of light through the L1 coil. This is impossible with Einstein's theory of relativity. But the collapse of a fast magnetic field at the speed of light is indisputable. However, the phenomenon of magnetic collapse in the primary and secondary windings of the Tesla coil is not completely like a magnet passing through the coil at the speed of light. In fact, it's a negative magnetic field, because the direction of the magnetic field collapse is in another dimension of space.

When the magnetic field collapses fast at the speed of light on coil L1, a pure form of electricity is produced.

Meanwhile, this pure electric current will discharge through the spark gap in the form of cold Plasma.

Thus, in the spark gap there are two types of Plasma, hot and cold alternately.

Plasma phenomenon also occurs when the AC 50-60Hz current collapse. This video is a proof:

I'm not sure if it's a cold plasma, because that high voltage is only 50-60HZ.

What is this plasma?
If we recognize that the Electron fantasy particle is real and that it passes through the gap of the spark, then the problem of understanding Plasma will be limited.

Only Nikola Tesla and C.P Steinmetz really understand what Plasma is. According to Nikola Tesla and C.P Steinmetz, electrical transmission does not require electrons, or certain charged particles. Conducted electricity is a combination of dielectric and magnetism in space.
See more research on Electron that doesn't exist:
Capitalism has dominated and controlled orthodox science. Because the way capitalism builds and transmits electricity is based entirely on the inventions of Nikola Tesla and C.P Steinmetz. But, on the other hand, they concealed the identity of Tesla and Steinmetz, and furthermore they formulated the theory of Electrons, Photons, quantum mechanics, etc.These are the theories that cost a lot of money, people's tax money.

Discharge - Plasma in secondary winding.
The voltage in the secondary winding L2 is just the step up from the primary winding L1. There is no resonant phenomenon here, nor is there a resonant transformer. Documents say that there is a resonance between the primary winding and the cable is completely wrong.

The structure of the L2 secondary winding may vary depending on usage. Sparks or Plasma emitted at the top of the secondary winding are cold Plasma. It has another name as "cold electricity".

This cold plasma is the secondary cold plasma, originating from the spark gap connecting L1 - C1.

You probably didn't know: Tesla coil have free energy

The secret radio technology doesn't want you to know: Tesla coil will generate longitudinal waves, transmitted without wasting energy.

Without using the Tesla coil to create longitudinal waves, we still have a huge electrical energy from the secondary coil. Then extract a small portion of the power back to the input. We only need a small battery to boot the system.

Moray knew that way. Moray was also the inventor of the same era as Tesla. How to generate electricity from people who understand electricity:

  • Harnessing electricity from the Earth: Neither is Schumann Resonance, nor is it known by Electromagnetism. It's The Sea of Energy in Which the Earth Floats
  • Extracted from ordinary electricity by the method called “fractionation.”
  • Reverse Tesla coil - "Back to Back" mechanism
  • Combination of radiant energy and negative resistance to amplify electricity 

Explanation of Plasma on the Tesla Coil Explanation of Plasma on the Tesla Coil Reviewed by Re-programming Life on 9:43 PM Rating: 5

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