Real Tesla Coil

Is there a fake Tesla coil?

Tesla coils have many different versions. Therefore, the usual versions will not meet the search needs. Maybe many people are looking for free energy at Tesla coils, or they don't understand what Tesla invented that coil for.

Is the Tesla coil just for entertainment? Tesla never invented jokes to entertain.  It is the work of comedian or science fiction filmmaker.

Tesla coil diagram:

Tesla coil diagram

Image source:

Tesla's original patent does not have a C2 capacitor. The Wikipedia writer added C2 to write the V2 expression, although C2 is not real:

The smaller C2 is, the bigger V2 is. One can measure V2 very large, then find extremely small C2 by solving equations. This is a mistake to try to explain the incredibly large V2 (millions of volts). Because if we install a real C2 capacitor after calculation, the circuit can't work, the capacitor will explode because the voltage is too high.

If we remove the capacitor C2 from the diagram, then we have a "true" and basic version of the Tesla coil.

This is a German version for the Tesla coil (German Wikipedia):

 German version for the Tesla coil

You see, there is no capacitor C2. Perhaps German Wikipedia doesn't like to lie.

The change in the shape of the primary winding, the secondary winding can be manipulated, the torus can be rolled up, the combination of many shapes on the top of the secondary winding, etc., will create Different versions for Tesla coils.

Even changing the position of the spark gap, the behavior of the Tesla coil will be different. That means the math for the Tesla coils in different versions is different.

Real Tesla coil - by Eric Dollard

Many scientists working in academia ask questions about the Tesla coil. There are many unanswered questions. People who understand the Tesla coil are rare. There was one person who could help the mainstream science academy when wondering about the Tesla coils, that was Eric Dollard.

Eric Dollard is an electrical genius, he has successfully researched and tested Nikola Tesla's works.

Eric Dollard wrote a book about Tesla coils in the context that few people understand about Tesla coils: Condensed Intro to Tesla Transformers

Real Tesla coil block diagram:

Real Tesla coil - by Eric Dollard

Wikipedia and many other websites are wrong to say that the Tesla Coil is only for entertainment.

In the book Condensed Intro to Tesla Transformers, you will see the truth about the Tesla coil, even though it is just "Condensed Intro". A lot of interesting things that only with "Condensed Intro" to Tesla Transformers.

With the "real" Tesla Coil Theory, the velocity of "electric radiation" is calculated faster than the speed of light. This was not valid when mainstream science recognized Einstein's general theory of relativity. And, the Nobel Prize awarded to Einstein will be a shame for science.

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✰* Revealed At Last: Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand

✔ Nikola Tesla’s method of magnifying electric power by neutralizing the magnetic counter-forces in an electric generator

✔ Currents are 180 out of phase with each other, Lenz's law naturally is broken
✔ Principle of Resonance to achieve Overunity
✔ Generate generators without rotating motion, but based on the principle of rotating magnets. Because magnetism varies based on electronic circuit design: coils, capacitors, Negative resistance, etc.The change of magnetism does not require the rotation of the magnet.

The theory of fake Tesla coils not only adds the C2 capacitor, but also many other fabrications. For example, they introduced the concept of resonant transformer. Then impose that the Tesla Coil is a resonant transformer. In fact, a transformer is a transformer, there is no resonant transformer, that's just an information. Because of:

  • With a transformer, there is only one state of voltage fluctuation, and the step-up voltage of that state.
  • Resonance phenomenon of the two states oscillates when two impedances are connected in series. The outstanding example is the R-L-C circuit with Zl = Zc, which then becomes a band-pass filter for oscillation of another single state.
There are still many other phenomena of the Tesla coil that mainstream science does not want to talk about. Maybe I'll write a few posts about the Tesla scroll on this Blog. Goodbye...

Real Tesla Coil Real Tesla Coil Reviewed by Re-programming Life on 8:06 AM Rating: 5

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