What is the proof of relativity besides GPS?

-- by Partha Sarathi Mishra

GPS don't use relativity, rather GPS disproves relativity. It’s a propaganda to keep people in confusion.

It seems science has become a religious cult, which discourage it’s followers to question and think critically on what they have been taught.

Actual photo of Albert Einstein lecturing on the Theory of Relativity, 1922
Actual photo of Albert Einstein lecturing on the Theory of Relativity, 1922

GPS is affected by speed and also by gravitational potential gradient. The correction due to speed is claimed to be the proof of SRT, but it’s wrong.

First, SRT doesn’t support any absolute reference. Also SRT needs symmetry.
If A see B as slow, then B should also see A as show. This invariance is necessity, otherwise it’s not SRT. This seems unrealistic, but that’s what the theory claims.

GPS is not like that. All the satellites are synchronized with ground station as an absolute reference, which is a violation of SRT.

Secondly the satellites are not corrected for relative velocities among themselves. This will give multiple conflicting results if you will implement as per SRT.

Yes, the velocity correction factor is 1𝑣2𝑐2
But this factor has nothing to with relativity. It’s a well known factor in electricity and also for doppler shift, as both sound and electricity’s propagation depends on medium.

So logically incompetent people cherry pick this correction factor and project it as a proof of relativity without considering the violation of invariance.

Ronald Hatch was(deceased) was a GPS expert and worked in many GPS projects exposed relativity's connection with GPS.
GPS: The Global Positioning System:

See his papers:

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/225572559_Those_scandalous_clocks https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/RELATIVITY-AND-GPS-Hatch/b88eba54ff7355ac35b19991eca3d8d0449b2c9d?p2df

Atomic clocks slow down due to gravitation potential gradient difference at higher altitude. The Clock Second of an Atomic Clock is a function of the Gravitational Potential Gradient.

This potential gradient alters the electronic configuration of Cesium-133 atoms. The clocks are being set to go slow during launch so that in the orbit they fun faster which is same as that of clocks on earth. So GPS proves that time doesn’t change, which itself disproves relativity.

Former NASA scientist Dr Edward Dowdye has also given logical reasoning from observational data regarding how GPS has nothing to with relativity.

More you can read here:

Clock Second of an Atomic Clock as function of the Gravitational Potential Gradient In deep space where the gravitational potential is near zero the natural frequency of cesium 133 Cs would be at a maximum. In a zero gravity space (V = 0) a clock second could be defined as T 0 (sec) = 1.0000000000000 In this space there can be little or no sources of gravitation from gravitating matter, and hence, no escape velocity ( v escape =0). v orbit = 0 v escape = 0 v resultant = 0 ����������������..����..�����. The gravitational potential usually expressed in units of (J/Kg) is found to act directly on the time keeping instrument, namely, the clock. As there can be no direct measurement on the gravitational potential itself, especially in space at the site of the orbiting time keeping instrument , the escape velocity  V escape in units of (m/s) may be squared and used as a gauge for the gravitational potential, both of which are in the units of (m 2 s -2 ). Thus, the square of the escape velocity, v 2 escape (m 2 s -2 ), may be used as a gauge for the non-measurable gravitational potential (m 2 s -2 ). See Reference 1. An observer in the frame of reference of a clock in orbit hypothetically sees the effects of an aberrational effect of a gravitational potential gradient of the very same units (m 2 s -2 ) acting on the Cesium atoms of the atomic clock. Because of the orbital motion of the clock, the gravitational potential gradient acting on it may be expressed mathematically using the square of the escape velocity, namely v 2 resultant (m 2 s -2 ). Thus,  a clock second may be easily defined as: The gravitational forces acting on an atomic clock in orbit is cancelled by the centrifugal forces acting on it. However, there is always a gravitational potential gradient acting on the Cesium ( 133 Cs) atoms of an orbiting atomic clock that cannot be cancelled by any known technical means. Thus, the escape velocity squared is shown to be a gauge for the gravitational potential gradient that is acting on the clocks. The evidence shows there is always a gravitational potential gradient that acts on the 133 Cs atoms of an orbiting atomic clock in much of the same manner in which the gravitational potential gradient of the moon causes the tidal effects on Earth. The findings presented here convincingly show that the gravitation does not interact directly with broadcast information or the electromagnetic waves that are

Even the co-inventor of atomic clock Dr Louis Essen rejected relativity
Dr Louis Essen Inventor Of Atomic Clock Rejects Einstein’s Relativity Theory

A theory with no absolute measurement standard is not a scientific theory, rather metaphysics. The relativity theory begins with its first postulate by making the assumption that no such absolute conception exists. If no absolute reference exists, hence nothing can be engineered out of it.

Every competent scientist and engineer understand this.

It’s sad that those who have practical experience and are into the core technology (like Ron Hatch, Edward, Essen etc) are completely stubbed out by the academicians. And armchair theorist like Einstein, who never did a single experiment in his who life, are raised to stardom as prophets. This shows that academicians are more into hero creation rather that understanding nature for productivity.

But unfortunately the modern scientific community is dominated by pranksters who have no natural philosophy, discipline, logical reasoning and experimental abilities. They are more into settle out beliefs as theories and market them for academic industries. They also show blind eye on any criticism or counter-argument, just like priests, and maintain their dogma forever. This is not science.

I apologize if I hurt your religious sentiments. But I am born as a revolutionary and critical thinker, so please forgive me for my deeds.

Related: Has Einstein’s theory of relativity been proven?

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What is the proof of relativity besides GPS? What is the proof of relativity besides GPS? Reviewed by OVERUNITY ELECTRICITY on 10:26 AM Rating: 5

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