Why did Nikola Tesla reject general relativity?

Because both are pure BS.

Tesla was a natural philosopher and a practical researcher, not some armchair theorist working on paper bags. The evidence is straight forward. You can count the number of inventions and contributions of Tesla (or all the Victorian inventors) versus the relativists and quantum mystics. So when academic physicists bash Tesla, it’s well expected. Relativists, particle physics and quantum mystics failed to provide any useful technology in the past 100 years, except mass hysteria claims like gravitational wave detection, black hole image, Higgs Bosons, etc. So they get funding, so they have to fabricate some results. So they formed cathedrals like CERN, LIGO etc to promote authoritarianism as opposed to experimental proof.

There is no practical use of theory of relativity since the itself is false. The only use of these theories that they give jobs to physicists to get some living.

Relativity was projected by media in-order to suppress the aether theories and stack any further improvements in electricity so as the oligarchy of energy barons is intact. Einstein was just a media creation with no practical competency.

Any scientific theory must meet two criteria:
1. Logical consistency
2. Experimental evidence

Any theory that fails on either or both counts is false. The Theory of Relativity certainly fails the first criteria. So it is certainly false. Hence, all the so-called experimental tests of the Theory of Relativity are data manipulation to prove their theory right. They give Michelson-Morley experiment as an excuse and ignore much better conducted ones like Dayton Miller etc.

Science is hijacked into a religious cult and logical thinking is replaced by mysticism after 1920.

Relativity is based on following false assumptions:
1. Speed of light is the ultimate
2. Clocks define time
3. Spacetime is warped
4. Aether don’t exists.

Speed is a derived quantity. It cannot be made absolute. To say velocity of light is ultimate is absurd and nerve done before for any scientific calculation.

Early electrical pioneers knew that longitudinal dielectric induction is faster than speed of light.

Spacetime don’t exists.
Space and time are not additive, like apples and oranges.

In a 3D space, if a point is in location P(x,y,z), the distance (r) formula for it from the center according to Pythagoras Theorem is:
x² + y² + z² = r²

So it a light wavefront travel from origin to P(x,y,z) with speed c and t, the equation becomes:
x² + y² + z² = (ct)²

If you rearrange and write as follows (as relativists write):
x² + y² + z² - c²t² = S²

Here S² will always be equals to ZERO.

But relativists claims the S² could be greater than or less than zero too, which is quite insane and direct violation of elementary geometry.

They make ct as a 4ᵗʰ dimension and write a new coordinate system as (x,y,z,ct) which is Minkowski spacetime coordinate. This is absurd as ct is NOT a new dimension perpendicular to x, y and z. But it seems in the realms of relativity, anything is possible.

Minkowski spacetime is a direct violation of Pythagoras theorem.

More you can see here:


Space CANNOT be curved, as it has no properties. To say that in the presence of large bodies space becomes curved is equivalent to stating that something can act upon nothing. Time is not a physical entity. Clocks don’t define time. Saying time slows down in absurd. Time cannot be defined by speed as it’s a derived quantity. Claiming a speed as absolute is quite silly and never done before.

GPS is used as an explanation in support of relativity by most relativists. But’s very few know about the truth behind it.

Even the co-inventor of atomic clock Dr Louis Essen rejected relativity
Dr Louis Essen Inventor Of Atomic Clock Rejects Einstein’s Relativity Theory

Slowing down of clock has nothing to do with time. Atomic clocks slow down due to gravitation potential gradient difference at higher altitude, NOT relativity. This potential gradient alters the electronic configuration of Cesium-133 atoms. The clocks are being set to go slow during launch so that in the orbit they fun faster which i s same as that of clocks on earth. No continuous adjustment of time is done. So GPS proves that time doesn’t change, which itself disproves relativity.

I am sure all those physicists (99.9%) who use GPS as a proof of relativity have never worked in any GPS project. Ronald Hatch was(deceased) a GPS expert and worked in many GPS projects exposed relativity's connection with GPS.
GPS.gov: Ronald Hatch

See his papers:

Lorentz transforms is meaningless, also it changes units or basis of measurement. Einstein says that Lorentz transform change the coordinates, with the same basis or units. That leads to time changing. But considering Lorentz transform change the basis and the coordinates, then there is no change in time.

Relativity is a baseless mystic theory, with no scientific basis. Einstein was proven wrong the moment he introduced his theory and has been proven wrong countless times since, yet we still hail him as a saint of science.

Those who are exited about LIGO’s so-called discovery of gravitational waves should watch this video to learn some basic science.

LIGO and CERN are FRAUD. They wastes tax payers’ money to seek ghosts which doesn't exists. They have being given millions, so they have to fabricate some discoveries. Such activities needs to be exposed since it’s a criminal activity.

Relativity was made famous to suppress the aether theory of electrical pioneers. Aether was a very dangerous concept for energy barons like Rockefeller etc. Most electrical pioneers are not physicists. So they felt happy when a person called Einstein said we don't need aether. It all started with electron concept. Electron concept was devised to suppress any further electrical research using aether which was quite dangerous for the oil baron like Rothschild.

Electron - A Mathematical Fiction

Aether is the universal storehouse of energy which comprises the entire electric phenomenon. Every electrical pioneer (Faraday, Maxwell, Tesla, Heaviside, Steinmetz, Thomson etc) believe in aether, as it was inevitable and quite logical as per natural philosophy. All our foundation of modern electrical engineering is from them. We still use their equations. Modern physics has contributed nothing to electricity, as research on electricity has stopped since 100 years, to promote business science.

Destroying the concept aether ensure that free energy would never again threaten their monopoly.

Modern physicist are quite incompetent in studying nature and needs to be exposed. Einstein knew nothing about electricity. Research on electricity has stopped after death of Steinmetz. There is a growing movement to liberate psychics from the lies and to resurrect the work of natural scientists such as Tesla, Steinmetz, Maxwell, Heaviside, Thomson etc.

All our modern technologies are miniaturized version of Victorian science only. No significant inventions happened after 1920 when relativity, quantum mechanics, particle physics are made part of mainstream science.

Revealed At Last... Must watch!
Free Energy Magnetic Generator and synthesizes many other technologies imbued with Nikola Tesla's technological identity

✔ Nikola Tesla’s method of magnifying electric power by neutralizing the magnetic counter-forces in an electric generator

Generates Energy-On-Demand: 👉 Free Energy Will Change Our World Forever

✔ Combination of induction motor and alternator 
✔ Combine generators with induction motors - self-powered generators with rotary motion
✔ Various methods of generating high power immobile generators

✔ Or maybe called Overunity for the system. Mother Nature doesn't care about people calling or naming phenomena. Overunity/Free Energy, Zero Point Energy (ZPE) are just a few different words

Why did Nikola Tesla reject general relativity? Why did Nikola Tesla reject general relativity? Reviewed by OVERUNITY ELECTRICITY on 4:11 AM Rating: 5

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